MSSQL store creds in a master.mdf file. If we managed to get that file, we can extract the hashes from mdf file.
Extract Hashes from mdf file
Open Powershell in Kali VM.
Grab Get-MDFHashes.ps1 / OrcaMDF.RawCore.dll / OrcaMDF.Framework.dll
Import the Modules
Add-Type -Path 'OrcaMDF.RawCore.dll'
Add-Type -Path 'OrcaMDF.Framework.dll'
import-module .\Get-MDFHashes.ps1
NOTE: If Get-MDFHashes.ps1 shows error on running run twice like i did.
Dump THe Hashes
Get-MDFHashes -mdf "/home/kali/dump/master.mdf"
NOTE: You have to provide the full path to master.mdf file.
These value are the hash. You will notice that hash don’t fit in our screen. To make the hash visible we have to change our resolution. In Kali.
First Get the default value.
xrandr -s 3840x2400
Now again dump the Hash. It’s inconventient to work like this, so grab the hash and copy to a file. Then change the resolution to default. Now try to crack the hash.